Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Inner West Fitness, Personal Training and Much More!: Exercise ...

Weight training will bulk you up ? Myth
It is hard to put on muscle, and females do not have the level of testosterone as males to gain like men. Think about the density of muscle compare to fat. Muscle is five time more dense than fat. If you had one kilo of fat and put it beside one kilo of muscle, the muscle would clearly be smaller. Your weight may stay the same, but you are actually shrinking if you were to lose 1 kilo of fat and put on 1 kilo of muscle. Incorporate resistance exercise into your workout. It prevents injuries, strengthens you joints and bones and helps with weight maintenance.

All calories are equal, so you can eat anything as long as you stick to your number of calories per day ? Myth
A 300 calorie chocolate bar is not the same as a 300 calorie steak with vegetables. The body can use the nutrients in the steak and vegetables to feed your cells, build your muscles and repair them. There is also more calorie burn digesting these foods. If you want your body to function at its optimum and burn calories for you, you need to fuel it with the best calories you can afford.

Avoid eating fat ? Myth
Not all fats are equal. We need good fats in our diet, such as omega 3 and omega 6s. The good fats help keep our cells soft so that nutrients can enter in and out. They also help with skin condition, joints, eyes and memory or concentration. Bad fats such as those found in processed foods are saturated and should be avoided. These are the fats that clog your arteries. Eating well isn?t always enough, if the nutrients can?t get into your cells than you?re not getting the best out of your diet. Incorporate the good fatty acids which can be found in foods such salmon, tuna, nuts and avocadoes.

Doing sit ups or crunches will flatten your fat stomach ? Myth
You can?t choose where the weight comes off, spot reduction is not possible. If you have a lot of stomach fat, doing a hundred sit ups isn?t going to melt the fat away. Sits ups do not burn many calories. You are better off spending your time doing exercises that get your heart rate up, using the bigger muscle groups to burn the fat. Normally, the place you put on weight first, is the last place the weight comes off.

The exercise machine is counting your calories burnt - Myth
The treadmill you walk on at the gym is not accurately counting your calories. The best way to monitor how many calories is to use a heart rate monitor which uses your heart rate, age, weight, and sex to determine what you are burning.

You are thin, you don?t need to exercise - Myth
Being thin is not an indication of your health and fitness levels. Exercise is not only great for weight maintenance, but it also strengthens bones, helping with osteoporosis, helps with blood pressure and cholesterol levels, cardio respiratory fitness and psychological wellbeing. Exercise is good for overall health; it is not just about body weight.

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